For example,
Thurunu shakthi on year 2000 - 1 st at Kaluthara area
Turunu shakthi on year 2003 - 2 nd at Kaluthara area
Turunu shakthi on year 2005 - 1 st at Kaluthara area
The defining moment of my life was Super Star that I had came to last 24 In my bearer I had peformed with number of groups In 1997 - Super sparkle 1998 - veracions 2001 - Upul & the posse 2005 to 2006 Rajiv & the tribe I had done a few collections ,
on 2006 may - The super stars of tomorrow (Torana) (Mix Albm) ,
Api wenwena tharamata, samawela matakiyanna. 2006 -
nov- sanda raginiya (blend collection) , sandarajiniya ,
mage duppath as deka 2007 walk Lassana Aththatu (Own Album) (Nilwala) Programming interface wenwena tharamata melody had got the SLIM grants 2007 as the people groups melody of the year