Stunning Picture Demonstrates Adolescent's Wounds After Envious Sweetheart BITES Her Lip In Fierce Assault

An envious sweetheart left his lady friend secured in blood and persuaded her finish lip had fallen off when he bit her amid a kiss.

Rhys Culley, of South Shields, Tyneside, had inquired as to whether she cherished him before he sank his teeth into her face amid the horrific assault.

Prosecutors said the 23-year-old had been envious and shaky about what the 18-year-old could get up to while he was working ceaselessly when he chose to distort her.

Members of the jury at Newcastle Crown Court saw pictures of teeth stamps in Miss Ward's upper lip after the assault, amid which he spread her own particular blood around her face and constrained his tongue in her mouth.

Culley, who had been involved with Miss Ward for more than two years, denied injuring with purpose yet was discovered liable after a trial.

He will be sentenced one month from now and has now been remanded in authority.

Greame Cook, guarding, petitioned the shopfitter's safeguard to be permitted to proceed with while he anticipates sentence yet Miss Recorder Wigin won't.

The judge said: 'The sentence will unavoidably be guardianship.'

Legal hearers heard Culley bit down on the exploited person's lip with the same compel that would be required to chomp through a 1cm thick bit of elastic.

And in addition the horrifying 'profound' harm to her mouth, Miss Ward had wounding and scratches to her head and body after the assault, which began after a line about Facebook.

Miss Ward told legal hearers amid the trial Culley had attempted to kiss her and inquired as to whether regardless she cherished him before the chomp.

She said: 'He put his entire mouth around my lips and pulled, I felt that my entire lip had fallen off. There was blood all around.'

The court heard inconvenience had flared at Miss Ward's home after a night out, when he pursued her from room to room and assaulted her.

Prosecutor Emma Dowling said Culley kicked and punched Miss Ward, pulled her hair, tossed her into furniture and tossed things at her before at last propelling the excited facial assault.

The assault happened on February 22 in the not so distant future, after the adolescent couple had been out at the County Public House in South Shields.

They had been commending Miss Ward's mother's birthday and at around 10.30pm Miss Ward, the respondent and her auntie Susan Stewart imparted a taxi home, dropping her close relative off first.

At the point when the respondent and his lady friend hit her up house, the disposition of the night changed. The litigant raised a discussion that his mate had with an alternate man on Facebook prior in the month.

The respondent then took Miss Ward's telephone off her in an offer to look through her Facebook messages.

The court heard how when he found that the messages were no more there he got to be furious and began to yell at Miss Ward blaming her for having something to stow away.

Right now, Miss Ward told the court, she understood that something was wrong and that this wasn't a "typical" contention for the pair, who had been as one for just about more than two years.

She got to be terrified and lifted her telephone to call the litigant's mother to request that her come and get him.

Yet Culley is said to have taken the telephone from his exploited person, he likewise bolted the entryways so she couldn't escape.

Later, when her telephone was left unattended she made a crisis call however Culley again took the telephone from her.

Miss Dowling said that after Culley had nibbled his exploited person, he 'rubbed his face in hers, spreading the blood over her face and afterward he stuck his tongue into her mouth'.

'At the point when the police arrived they saw that they both had blood on them and over their appearances.'

Culley was captured and Miss Ward was taken to healing center to have her wounds analyzed.

She endured the wounds to her mouth, as well as wounding to her arms and body, a scratch to her cleared out breast and wounding of the face and ear.

Amid his confirmation Culley said he didn't intend to damage his "delightful" better half, who he knew he was fortunate to have.