In yet an alternate episode of attack, a 17-year-old young lady learning at a legislature school in Kandy was professedly attacked by her 37-year-outdated van driver.
On a tip-off got by the Kandy police, the suspected driver, father of two youngsters, was captured while he was purportedly attacking the young lady inside a windows tinted school van on a roadside close Kandy tank. The incident has recorded in a Garment factory security c c tv camera. According sources the girl of the incident is wearing a colored dress.
As per the sources, an adolescent who saw that the young person was inside the vehicle in a suspicious way had cautioned the police. In exchange a policemen group has hurried to the scene where they captured the suspected driver.
The police now realize that the individual had in any case attacked the young lady practically three years back.
A senior cop of the National Child Protection Authority (NCPA) told Thunpathrana that a group from their power has been sent keeping in mind the end goal to direct further examinations. "Since the victimized person is an underage, this matter must be managed the NCPA," he included.
The police said that the suspect will be delivered before the Kandy Magistrate, today. The young lady has been coordinated to the Judicial Medical Officer (JMO) at the Kandy Teaching Hospital.