Braking News For Mahnida Rajapaksha VS Maithreepala Sirisena

Who Will win? Maithri Or Mahinda?

By P. Bertie Ranaweerage -

The political scene in Sri Lanka has flipped around amid the most recent seven days with the report made by Mr.maithripala Sirisena, the previous Minister of Health that he would challenge the officeholder President at the following Presidential Election as the normal competitor.

The President and his legislature never expected that he would be tested by the General Secretary of his own political gathering, the Sri Lanka Freedom Party. Terrified President's relatives ran helter- skelter expecting that they would lose power at the imminent Presidential Election. They pressed a few Ministers and Mps  to call public interviews  and deny that they would forsake the administration. State possessed SLBC, Rupavahini and ITN, and the Lake House editors have been told to  assault Maithri, Chandrika and the UNP from morning to late into the night. Racists, for example, Nalinda Siva, Gunadasa Amarasekara, Bengamuwe Nalaka  have started  to misdirect people in general. We can expect all the Sinhala bigot associations, for example, BBS , Ravana Balaya, Sinhala Rawaya to unite to dispatch a vituperative assault against the regular hopeful as they are mindful that the triumph of Maithri will be a grave danger to their extremely presence.

Meanwhile the Minister of Disaster Management  Mr. Mahinda Amaraweera has put forth an  uncovering  articulation at a public interview held at the SLFP head office on November 25. As per a news story distributed in the Daily Mirror he conceded that the UPFA parts had  amassed messy lucre as much as they required and  thusly there is no requirement for them to proceed with the  looting. Thusly, he asked for not to thrashing the administration by voting the resistance competitor. That announcement alone demonstrates their dread and disarray. My perspective is all the legislature thugs and a large portion of the administration Ministers and agent Ministers are in mortal expect that Mahinda's days are numbered.

As there were no hybrids to the Opposition on the last plan day, professional Mahinda Ministers said that there would be no further rebellions  to the Opposition. Indicating to the entire nation that master Mahinda government officials were ignorant what was occurring behind them, two more UPFA Members of Parliament, in particular P.rajadurai of the Nuwara Eliya locale and the UPFA Wanni region MP Hunaiz Farook (ACMC) joined the UNP. Meanwhile three ace government Eastern Provincial Council parts of Minister Rishard Bathiudeen's political gathering, All Ceylon Muslim congress traversed to the Opposition on the directions of their gathering, which unexpectedly  might  lead  to catch of force  there by the Opposition. The ACMC was to meet last evening(saturday) to choose whether to stay with the administration or cross to the Opposition. The  Sri Lanka Muslim Congress which is headed by Minister Hakeem, a despondent coalition accomplice of the UPFA ,will touch base at a choice inside the following few days whether to stay with the legislature or not. They might  take a choice to help Maithri in the occasion more government Mps rally round the basic competitor. UPFA named MP Aswar who was a staunch supporter of Mahinda surrendered  from the Parliament last night however his next move is obscure. It would appear that that the Muslim group is applying weight on master government Muslim legislators to leave Mahinda.

MP. Mr.rajitha Senaratne and Venarable Rathana Thera  joining in the Satana TV program a week back said that  numerous Ministers and Deputy Ministers were  troubled and disappointed as Mahinda and his  relatives have been meddling in their Ministries. My perspective is some of them are as of now testing waters to discover whether the sudden change of political climate is going to bring about a real surge that will suffocate Mahinda and his plot. As Maithri' is getting to be more mainstream each passing day we can expect more government legislators'  surrenders to Maithri's camp inside the course of next two weeks. It is said  that Mr Jeevan Kumaratunga, the Minister of Postal Services is getting prepared to join the Maithri camp. An alternate intriguing improvement is Miss Hirunika Premachandra  who sacked the most noteworthy number of particular votes in the Colombo locale at the last Western Provincial Council decisions has commended Maithi as an issue and legit government official. It is in all probability that she would join Maithri soon. Mr. Solangaarachchi ,the administrator of the Kollonnawa Pradesheeya Sabha, a nearby partner of Hirunika, has effectively exchanged his dependability to the Common competitor.

At the last Presidential Election ,which was hung on January 26  2010,the President Mahinda Rajapaksha who was at the top of his fame got 57.88% while the Opposition applicant General Sarath Fonseka surveyed 40.15% votes. The other 20 applicants couldn't significantly accumulate no less than 0.5% of the aggregate substantial votes cast at the decision. Today ,after very nearly five years, one can't deny the way that the President is less prominent mostly because of his family bandyism, tyrant principle  and  financial troubles confronted by the poor and the working class. Because of state supported BBS' against Muslim scorn crusade , Mahinda has ended up exceptionally disliked among the Muslim group who voted Mahinda overwhelmingly at the keep going  Presidential race. In spite of the fact that Thondaman guaranteed his unwaveringness to Mahinda, two of his Mps left him and joined the UNP as of late. Accordingly we can't expect numerous Indian Tamil votes to Mahinda. Subsequently it is reasonable to figure that his ubiquity has gone around 5 % which implies his fame was around 52% before the Maithri quake and JHU's separation.

Maithri-Rajitha headed abandonments to the Opposition was out of nowhere to Mahinda's pompous guideline and it has without a doubt disintegrated Mahinda's voter base in any event by a few hundred thousand votes. On the off chance that an alternate 10 or 12 administration Mps deformity to the Opposition it will  most likely seal Mahinda's destiny.

On the other hand we need to caution the Maithri camp that Mahinda's administration will do whatever conceivable to recover the  power at the race. Amid the race period we can anticipate that phenomenal savagery  will dishearten the activists of the basic applicant. Effectively four brutal assaults including guns against hostile to government activists have been unleashed  by ace Mahinda packs. The individuals who have earned billions under Mahinda's administration won't be quiet onlookers. They will spill more  cash to Mahinda's fight as they would prefer not to lose the gold mine. An alternate plausibility is vote fixing. MP Ravi Karunanayake has officially griped to the Commissioner of Elections that a National Identity Card printing machine had vanished.

Some have communicated expect that Mahinda would be pressurized  by his nearby partners not to hand over force to the triumphant regular applicant. It is fitting for the Maithri camp to be prepared for any consequence. The main way that can overcome any unlawful endeavor to stay in force is sorted out individuals' energy. So far I have not seen any genuine endeavor made  by the Maithri camp to compose individuals into a capable energy. It is the obligation of the political gatherings and different associations which help Maithri to sort out their adherents into a mass association with limbs in every town , town and city to forestall vote fixing as well as to avoid endeavors at  disrupting  the triumph of the regular competitor.