What Are The Free Wi-Fi Zones In Sri Lanka ?

What Is Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi is the name of a prominent remote systems administration innovation that uses radio waves to give remote rapid Internet and system associations. A typical confusion is that the term Wi-Fi is another way to say "remote devotion," however this is not the situation. Wi-Fi is just a trademarked expression that implies IEEE 802.11x.

The Wi-Fi Alliance

The Wi-Fi Alliance, the association that claims the Wi-Fi enlisted trademark term particularly characterizes Wi-Fi as any "remote neighborhood (WLAN) items that are taking into account the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' (IEEE) 802.11 norms."

At first, Wi-Fi was utilized as a part of spot of just the 2.4GHz 802.11b standard, however the Wi-Fi Alliance has extended the nonexclusive utilization of the Wi-Fi term to incorporate any sort of system or WLAN item in light of any of the 802.11 norms, including 802.11b, 802.11a, double band, etc, trying to stop perplexity about remote LAN interoperability.

How Wi-Fi Works

Wi-Fi meets expectations with no physical wired association in the middle of sender and collector by utilizing radio recurrence (RF) innovation, a recurrence inside the electromagnetic range connected with radio wave spread. At the point when a RF current is supplied to a radio wire, an electromagnetic field is made that then has the capacity engender through space.

The foundation of any remote system is an entrance point (AP). The essential occupation of an entrance point is to show a remote sign  that PCs can recognize and "tune" into. So as to associate with an entrance point and join a remote system, PCs and gadgets must be outfitted with remote system connectors (See "How Wireless Networks Work" in the "Did You Know..." segment of Webopedia).

Wi-Fi Support

Wi-Fi  is upheld by numerous applications and gadgets including feature diversion reassures, home systems, PDAs, cell telephones, significant working frameworks, and different sorts of buyer hardware. Any items that are tried and endorsed as "Wi-Fi Certified" (an enrolled trademark) by the Wi-Fi Alliance are affirmed as interoperable with one another, regardless of the fact that they are from distinctive producers. For instance, a client with a Wi-Fi Certified item can utilize any brand of access point with whatever other brand of customer equipment that likewise is additionally "Wi-Fi Certified". Items that pass this certificate are obliged to convey a recognizing seal on their bundling that states "Wi-Fi Certified" and demonstrates the radio recurrence band utilized (2.5GHz for 802.11b,  802.11g, or 802.11n, and 5GHz for 802.11a).