Athula Adikari And Samitha Erandathi Mudunkotuwa - Love Story

`love stands the test of time'

Athula Adikari discusses existence with his wife vocalist Samitha Mudunkotuwa:

Athula Adikari and Samitha Mudunkotuwa are no outsiders to the Lankan music gathering of people. We should see what Athula need to say in regards to themselves to `spouse's Mouth'....

"We warmly welcome the tattle spread about us. Bollywood individuals do it by their own particular selves so as to get more exposure. It is a decently composed strategy. In any case, for our situation we're getting it free," giggles Athula mixing together his standard appeal, wicked and sportive looks.

"I was a single guy when tattle spread around that I stole away with a junior female vocalist who at that point was on top of the acclaim rundown. An alternate grand gossip was spread after I got hitched to Samitha. My little girl was a child around then. It was said that I who was tanked at a gathering tossed my minimal one up for entertainment only and missed getting her back, and she fell and kicked the bucket. Third gossip sprung up as of late, after a couple of months my child was conceived, snaring Samitha with a well known government official. What I accept is that on the off chance that you can't live with your life partner or accomplice, its generally fitting to discrete instead of endure and live together under one top. That is my arrangement. Samitha excessively thinks about it. Thus, on the off chance that she needed to make tracks in an opposite direction from me, she could have discussed it with me and reach a conclusion. She didn't have to steal away," clarifies Athula.

Question: How can it influence your particular life?

Athula: True enough, at the starting, it stressed us. When you develop, you take a gander at things in an alternate point. What Samitha and I thought was, all these happened because of our popularity. On the off chance that we were simply a customary couple, nothing of that sort would have occurred. Why would it be advisable for us to stress over things which are not pertinent to us?

Question: But, how would it influence your youngsters as in any case they live in a general public with a conventional edge?

Athula: My girl is 12 years of age and child is 6 years of age. They are both studious, and both Samitha and I are truly euphoric about them. We are an inviting family who have nothing to stow away. So far my little girl has not asked about the bits of gossip that go around about her guardians. Despite the fact that such talk achieves her ears, our young lady won't get influenced since she, sees for herself what's going on at home, how her guardians live with them. Todays kids can't be tricked effortlessly (grins).

Question: If you know the gatherings who are attempting to mischief your respect, wouldn't you be able to make legitimate move against them?

Athula: Why would it be a good idea for us to trouble? We've been staying silent. They said I was smashed at a gathering and missed getting my infant girl. You see, I'm a teetotaller. Additionally we have no time to stress over who has spread such `news'. We have more imperative work. Moreover I've gaged the investment of such individuals and their attitudes. Some of them are individuals who have their own particular individual issues, and are desirous when they see a family living joyfully. There's an alternate set in the public eye who affection to catch their names with mainstream characters so as to get themselves into the lime light. Furthermore some live in their own particular dreamland envisioning acclaimed characters as their sweethearts. Such fans who go insane over the popular identities attempt their level best to get at them and afterward begin a relationship with them. Falling flat that, out of disgrace, their "affection" would changes to `hatred' and they would go to any degree to damage the other party. Distinctive persons have diverse mindsets. What would we be able to do about them? (grins). Regardless of the possibility that individuals see us talking for some time with someone of the inverse sex, soon we'll hear tattle coupling us with that individual. My little girl will soon achieve my stature, and I would not think about whether they say that `athula is seen running with a young lady in his auto' on the off chance that they see her with me sitting in the front seat by me in the auto (giggles).